Archives 2023

Amit and Diana Gully

Missionary Amit is from Nagaland, India and Diana is from the US. God orchestrated quite the story to bring these two together while they were young and serving as missionaries in North-west China. They lived there for more than 10 years, teaching English, running a restaurant, and more, all with the focus of reaching out to the Amdo Tibetans in that region.

After their son, Jack was born in 2017, in 2018 they came back to the US for a sabbatical year and further missions training. During their visit to the US, Covid hit and they ended up staying for a bit longer than they expected.

Their daughter Lily was born in the US in 2021. In 2022, they moved their family to a strategic area in North-East India where they continue to reach out to Tibetan Buddhist people groups.

CEIFA is partnering with the Gully family through Discipleship training and medical outreaches in their area. If you would like to connect with them or know more about what they are doing, email them at or contact Ceifa.

    Dinesh KC

    CEIFA missionary; Dinesh KC

    Missionary Dinesh KC has been the director for CEIFA Missions in Nepal over the past 12 years.  In four visits to the states many of you have met him personally and have become prayer partners, supporters and friends.  Generally Dinesh has funneled any support we have sent him, into mission  projects reaching out to the least, the last and the lost with the genuine compassion of Christ. 

    These projects have included launching and supporting Promise Children’s Home, YWAM discipleship schools sponsored every year (training hundreds of disciples to make disciples), medical outreach camps to very rural villages, raising support for Church Planters across Nepal, leadership in printing many evangelistic and discipleship materials, organizing Nationwide youth conferences, school uniforms and supplies in slum areas … and the list goes on and on.

    Dinesh is married to Saraswati and they have one son, Amu born in 2011. Though CEIFA has supported the ministry of this great national missionary family from time to time with special gifts, we would love to add your support to a monthly stipend to invest in Dinesh’s ministry.

    Please use the Pay Pal form to initiate your monthly giving designating it for support of CEIFA Director in Nepal and send us an email if you can to confirm your monthly pledge of support.

    Dinesh in front of children’s home.
    Dave and Dinesh with the children
    A pic of the children’s home

    To support, fill in the form, Submit, Donate

      DBJ conference Malawi
      Discipled By Jesus in Malawi, July 2023