News letter


Dated: May 2024

CEIFA MINISTRY INTERNATIONAL has been actively ministering in this year in six major areas of the world with extensive unreached people groups.  Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Pakistan, India, and Nepal.  In addition, there are many areas where doors continue to open for ministry including refugee camps here and abroad.

Other doors in middle east and the Latin America world we are beginning to receive call for help in discipleship and compassionate ministry. This looks to be our best year ever in transforming mission ministry largely because of the prayers and sacrificial givers in our mission family. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO in consistent and faithfully regular giving.

This month (June 2024) our focus is on Nepal as our mission team member Ben Conyers is leading the discipleship efforts there and in Northern India.   Ben will be arriving back from a very successful mission this weekend.  We are including several pics of the intensive ministry that he led there as we continue to build on our 12 years of focused outreach to those who have never heard …. The lost, the least and the last.

Meeting With World Changers:  Ben Conyers/, (Next to Ben)/- Anil -Discipling Youth through Sports Ministry,/- BJ- Across From Anil- (Ministry To Buddhist Villages. 

Star (Right Front)- Discipleship Training School.  CEIFA Ministry supports these frontline workers, with the resources God Provides.

Two More On Fire Young Men CEIFA Support/ Assist in Ministry. Sanjay (Left) leads a small Children’s Home for HIV Infected Children. Dibas (Center) Ministry Partner for more than 10 years, now leads a Discipleship School of Worship in Kathmandu. Ben- (Right) CEIFA Team Member and Discipleship Trainer, Facilitator and Practitioner

Kailash and Jenni- Two of the most bold, and fruitful disciplers, house church planters I have ever met anywhere in the World.

Jenni was trained by on of the underground church planters and movement leaders in Pakistan- Noshee.  

Our biggest Discipleship Training School ever 2024 Class … all 22 Students are holding the DBJ -Book/Training Manual in Nepali Language- translated and printed by CEIFA Ministry.
These Young Disciples Will Complete three months of intensive classroom and practical ministry training –  Then spend two months in a remote needy area of the country living by faith, reaching out to the Lost, The Last and the Least.  CEIFA has supported this ministry for 12 years … sending funds, materials, and trainers who volunteer and pay their own expenses

Anurag (Behind Ben)- Our DBJ Leader In Training In India, flies in to assist Ben Conyers, as He Speaks Both Nepali and Hindi.

Impressive Crossing Between India and Nepal … Both Countries Ripe for Harvest In Jesus’ Kingdom

In summary, Ben taught Discipled by Jesus in Kathmandu YWAM in the base led by Dinesh KC and the main facilitator Brother Star Tamang. Then on to visit three different frontier strategic church planting areas where CEIFA is investing evangelism and church planting support as well as fanning the flames of a relational discipleship movement.